ObjectDock is a great way to organize and customize your desktop. It's easy to use and has a variety of preset docklets that can be used to quickly access important programs and information. The docklets can be customized in terms of their view, position, size, style, and effects, making it easy to customize the desktop to your liking. Overall, ObjectDock is a great way to organize and customize your desktop.
ObjectDock is a shortcut organizer that allows you to quickly access various programs. It comes with some predefined docklets, such as weather, clock, calendar, battery meter, web search, start menu, recycle bin or show desktop.
The application has an attractive and uncluttered interface that displays all shortcuts in a structured manner. The tool gives you the possibility to edit, add or remove any docklet or shortcut. You can create e-mail, Internet, music player or document editor shortcuts. What's more, you have an ability to create a blank shortcut and assign it to whatever program you desire.
The program lets you change the docklet’s view and position. You can set it to auto hide, to stay always on top or apply a magnification effect. By opening the settings menu, the application offers some information about each docklet, like the number of icons, their position, size, style, effect or accessibility; each of these aspects can be customized. An interesting effect is the one that enables ghost mode, which makes all the docklets invisible. You can only see them when you move the cursor on top of them. more
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